#1 Business Directory in Zambia

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It is simple, click on the “Add a listing” button, fill out the required information, and submit your listing for review. Upon verification of your business listing. Our team will then publish and it is done!

You can communicate with customers in real time who contact you by messaging you on your business profile listed on the website, alternately they can take advantage of the quick dial or quick email buttons on your business profile quicker feedback or queries.

It is very fast and easy, within seconds upon searching the business name listing, it is easily found. Your business listings are also immediately viewable and searchable by anyone around the world on popular search engines such as Google and Bing.


You can easily search for businesses by entering keywords, categories, or location in the search bar on our homepage. Additionally, you can use filters to refine your search results.

Each business listing typically includes essential details such as business name, description, contact information, website link, social media links, opening times and days, customer reviews, and images showcasing products or services.

Yes, we encourage users to leave reviews and ratings for businesses they have interacted with. Your feedback helps others make informed decisions and assists businesses in improving their services.

You can find the contact information for each business in their listing. This may include Direct Message, phone numbers, email addresses, or contact forms. Simply reach out to them using your preferred method of communication.

If you can’t find a specific business, please let us know, and we’ll do our best to add it to our directory. Your feedback is valuable in helping us expand our listings.

We take user privacy seriously and have implemented measures to protect user data and interactions. You can review our privacy policy for more information.

Entrepreneurship Corner is committed to ensuring quality services and products delivery to customers. However, in some unlikely circumstances, it is possible for you to feel disappointed; especially where we did not meet your expectations; or when you are unhappy with the level of service or the quality of product received from a business or individual found on this website.

If this is your case please accept our apologies! Kindly contact our Support Team by mail with full details of your complaint.

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